Throat Chakra

The throat chakra governs the ability to communicate. A great communicator can both hear and be heard and understand the vibe of any given experience. Your surroundings also say a lot about who you present yourself to be. When you live in integrity with who you present yourself to be, your presence will have a cleansing effect on others.

This sound element chakra moves down to the vibrational level of the bright blue color spectrum. When you enjoy a balanced throat chakra (the throat, mouth, and ears), you can speak the truth and listen to others’ truth about who you are to them. Issues in the throat chakra usually surface to help you learn to live more honestly, purify yourself from the lies or stories you’ve been telling yourself, and let the truth of who you are raise your “good vibrations” to the surface.

Checking your throat chakra → How freely do you speak your truth? How honestly do you hear how others speak of you? Would you rather just listen to yourself talk? How much do you value your ethics, reputation, and personal integrity? What kind of face do you put on for others? What do the people, places, and things you surround yourself with “say” about you? How many people really know the real you?

Most of us would rather drop down into control, denial, and fear than face our honest truth. Your throat chakra is the last chance to make things right before you either create more karma or you can enter the higher realms of your dharma (magnifying your life’s potential). Either way, doing some purifying here is worth your while.